Wednesday, March 21, 2012

This is It!

In the way of this blog, but I will be continuing my other one! I got side-tracked and haven't been keeping up with that one either. But I love writing, so naturally, I will be typing away on Nekkid Kiwi.

Features was a fun class. I learned more than I would just by reading up on Features writing. I like the creative aspect and and angles you can come up with, rather than with news writing being so structured with a serious lead. I also like the different categories Features comes with: editorials/opinions, reviews, profiles, events, etc. I've also learned how important it is to interview as many people as you can, or you can regret not having a better quote or more to color your story.

I think my writing has improved just a little. It's all about realizing who your audience is, and then you can add even more humor.

My favorite feature piece would have to be the opinion piece. Even though it was given through bullet points, I found it easy, partly because I don't think anyone could be on the fence with life/death situations of humans or animals.
My least favorite. UGH! I disliked the investigation piece. If I knew more De Anza secrets or more background, I could have come up with juicy stories. I really liked Julian's Food idea - too creative! I wish I thought of it! Especially since I'm all about health and fitness.

My future. Vague, but in the next quarter, it's continuing being on the La Voz staff and becoming an editor. Eventually I want to write for the Health section maybe, for a teen magazine.

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