In the article, he wrote that, "You should not be in gym shorts unless you literally just came from the gym and girls, no, tights/yoga pants aren't acceptable either." Well, if you're a mom and do a lot of running around with your kids and errands, I would consider that "working out" without the gym. It's also a comfort thing - just like guys can wear sweatpants, this is a cuter version of the comfort clothes. Dressing up doesn't have to mean jeans or cotton twill pants. A college student has the right to roll out of bed to get to class, because of all the all-nighters and anxiety and worrying of other things besides "What pants am I wearing?"For me, I stay on campus all day and don't want that inflexible denim to rip into my hips when I'm sitting in a bunch of classes.
Another part of the article said, "First, tights are not yoga pants; they were never meant to be worn without accompanying layers. Wearing tights and a shirt is only slightly less revealing than wearing just a shirt and underwear, and you wouldn't do that would you?" There are definitely tights you can buy that are leggings, and though tights did require the shorts or the miniskirt in the 80s, they are now meant to be stylish and show off leg. It's a tight revolution! It's on the runway and in photo shoots, so it's hard for a woman to look at that in a magazine and/or other forms of media and think that it's not appropriate to wear when it looks kinda good on that model. It's "in," easy to wear with those ghastly Ugg boots, and can be layered if wanted.
Love this!